Achat-vente-reprise-échange de véhicules
20 ans d’expérience
Achat-vente-reprise-échange de véhicules
20 ans d’expérience
20 ans d’expérience
20 ans d’expérience
20 ans d’expérience
20 ans d’expérience
This website is the property of CDG Agency sprl, a website creation and management company located at Boulevard Jamar, 19/204 1060 Brussels.
In this sense, both CDG Agency sprl and its client represented by this site intend to comply with the legal texts determining the protection of personal data of visitors to this website, namely the Law of 8 December 1992 (Privacy Law) and the European Regulation of April 27, 2016 in effect from May 25, 2018. The privacy of each Internet user visiting this site is respected, the information collected about it is only used in an appropriate manner.
The purpose of this document is therefore to inform you about your rights, the use that is made of your data and the procedures for enforcing your rights.
The collection of your personal data is limited to the strict minimum:
As the manager of this website, it is the company CDG Agency sprl which collects data related to your browsing on the website and who is responsible for it. These data are processed by subcontractors who guarantee their security and anonymity.
As a company represented on this website, it is the latter which collects the other personal information sent by contact form. It has full responsibility for both the management of this data and its security.
The data collected are collected for two very specific purposes:
These data are stored for a period of 12 months from your consent.
The personal data of the users are in no case sold, exchanged or disclosed to third parties. The providers of CDG Agency sprl who would have access to it are also bound by this commitment.
The European regulation which came into force on May 25, 2018 guarantees you certain rights in terms of protection of privacy:
To exercise your rights, you can send an email specifying the data concerned by your request to the address or to the email address indicated in the contact details of the site.
In addition to the collection of personal data via a contact form or the placing of an online order, certain data can be recovered through cookies placed on the website.
Un cookie est un fichier placé par un site sur le navigateur que vous utilisez pour surfer sur internet. Il permet de vous reconnaitre à chaque visite que vous effectuez sur le site concerné. Les cookies peuvent être placés par le propriétaire du site internet ou par des prestataires externes en fonction de leur but expliqué ci-après.
Cookies are stored on your browser and transmit the requested information to the website owner and its external service providers. However, you can delete these cookies at any time by going to your browser history.